So since my fitting with Gina - I've corrected the bodice pattern - cut it out twice (one for the dress and one for the lining). I've also cut the underdress. I've still got to work on the outerskirt and the layers that go with it - but I wanted to put the bodice together first. I also added a lace up piece to the back of the dress to go underneath the rest of the dress to allow the zipper to not have pull on it. You can see that here:
SO - boning. The boning that I have chosen is a clear plastic boning about 1/4" wide and is covered by a white fabric case. It is much more flexible then metal boning - plus it is much easier to manipulate and cut to size. I started by simply hand stitching boning pieces to the seam allowance on the inside of the dress part of the bodice. It does not lay flat in the manner that I wish - so I will be undoing that - and attempting a different technique. Also - I was attempting to put in a set of bra cups in the bodice for Gina - but they are not fitting in the manner that I liked. I am considering leaving them out for now - and when I have my next fitting trying it on with Gina in the dress. Then we can make a decision about whether she needs/wants them or not. The boning in the seams might be enough. I was also concerned about the rise of the sweetheart neckline - and having the seam lay flat. I took a thin piece of the plastic boning - bending it in the center, and hand stitching it into the seam. However - it didn't turn out as I wanted - as you can see below. So that will also be coming back out of the dress. SO - in conclusion - I have a bunch of work to get done in the next two weeks before Gina and I have a fitting! I've found that scheduling fittings helps keep me on schedule, as to where I would like to be. So that's all for tonight folks - tomorrow I shall take the boning out - and try another method of attaching it!
Rather than yelling... I'd prefer to think of it as strongly motivational inspiration honey! I do think it's interesting to see the whole process, not just the successful final effort. Anyone else want to weigh in on that?? I'm sure you'll figure it out!! Lots of love and encouragement coming your way! Mom
Use spiral steel boning! True, it is a pain in the butt to cut but you can buy it pre cut. I like sewing with steel boning because it doesn't curl and you can really mold it, especially if you don't want to add cups.
I also find steel a lot more comfortable than plastic because it offers more support for me and the rest of the garment. but that's not exactly common opinion
And it looks great so far! It's so cool to see the process
-Katrina, I'm Gina's neighbor
Thanks for the idea! I might consider it - my only concern is the pre cut lengths - Gina's bodice is quite long - so getting the correct length might be difficult. Although if I could find it as a roll of it instead of pre - cut I could cut it and put tips on it for the right length.
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